I'm not sure what raising awareness means. I think most people we very aware of breast cancer and that it kills people or make it necessary to remove a breast surgically. This is likely because it is widespread and they likely know or have heard of someone who has had it.
Because of the over publicizing of it and the vulgar way that breast cancer awareness is being promoted, I am less likely to contribute to the cause or participate in events the cause is organizing.
Perhaps everyone passionate about curing brain cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer, or cancer anywhere in the body should unite their resources, rather than having their own private battles.
Our Bodies and Sexuality are Sacred
Even if a good cause is being promoted, doing it by speaking irreverently about our body and sexuality is inappropriate.
Focusing on Our Bodies Diminishes Our Self Worth
This is likely why many are so devastated after a mastectomy. They have tied a too much of who they are to their breasts. It is also likely why many girls and women or so self conscious about their breasts being "too big" or "too small". When our "sex appeal" is what defines or is our biggest too to stay ahead in life then we are devaluing ourselves.